Our Staff

Academic Staff
The Rt Revd Humphrey Southern
The Rt Revd Humphrey Southern
01865 877402
Sarah Brush
Director, CGH and Vice-Principal
Revd Dr Sarah Brush
01452 874969
Oliver Keenan
Academic Dean, Christian Doctrine
Dr Oliver Keenan
01865 877482
Hywel Clifford
Old Testament
Dr Hywel Clifford
01865 877443
Dr Rebecca Dean
New Testament, Admissions Tutor
Dr Rebecca Dean
01865 877418
Buki Fatona
MA Course Director, Tutor in Christian Ethics
Revd Dr Buki Fatona
01865 877445
Eleanor McLaughlin
Modern Theology
Dr Eleanor McLaughlin
01865 877409
Dr Victoria Turner
Mission and Pastoral Studies
Dr Victoria Turner
01865 877444
Alison Walker
Ludlow Lead Tutor
Revd Dr Alison Walker
01452 874969
Richard Wyld
Acting Director of Formation, Tutor
Revd Dr Richard Wyld
Pete White
Tutor in Ministry and Mission with Children, Young People and Families
Canon Dr Pete White
Associate Teaching Staff
Mark Chapman
Church History, Cuddesdon Study Centre
Canon Prof. Mark Chapman
Paul Bradbury
Pioneer Ministry
Revd Paul Bradbury
Pat Brittenden
Associate Tutor
Dr Pat Brittenden
Phillip Brown
Patristics & Christian Doctrine
Revd Dr Phillip Brown
Tom Clammer
Liturgy and Sacramental Theology
Canon Dr Tom Clammer
Joanna Collicutt
Psychology of Religion
Canon Dr Joanna Collicutt
John Daniels
Biblical Studies and Mission
John Daniels
Revd Prof John Drane
Bible, Culture & Contextualization
Revd Prof. John Drane
Elaine Flowers
Early Church History
Elaine Flowers
Ray Gaston
Interfaith Engagement
Revd Ray Gaston
01865 874404
Stephen Goundrey-Smith
Revd Dr Stephen Goundrey-Smith
01285 720392
Margot Hodson
Environmental Theology and Rural Mission and Ministry
Revd Margot Hodson
01367 860555
Eddie Howells
Christian Spirituality
Dr Edward Howells
Beth Keith
Pioneer Spirituality and Discipleship
Revd Dr Beth Keith
Luke Larner
Practical Theology
Luke Larner
Peniel Rajkumar
Missional Theology in Global Contexts
Revd Dr Peniel Rajkumar
Cate Williams
Elements of Mission and Evangelism
Cate Williams
Anthony Reddie
Black Theology
Professor Anthony G. Reddie
Support Staff
Sam Styles
01865 877402
College Administrator
Julie Niven
01865 874404
Events and Accommodation
Fiona Smith
01865 877416
Bursar and Chief Operating Officer
Clint McVea
01865 877419
Communications and Giving
Sophie Farrant
01865 877422
Library and Archives
Annabel Haycraft
01865 877411
Academic Registrar
Jane King
01865 877417
Academic Administrator Gloucester & Hereford
Nigel Hughes
01452 874969
College Accountant
Michael Hunt
01865 877421