Our Newsletter can be downloaded here.
Some of us are fortunate to live in the Parish.
Some may spend a number of years studying at Ripon College.
Some may have been part of our worshipping community before moving away.
Some may have family who were married, baptised or buried here.
Some may visit only once.
Whatever you connection, All Saints' Church is a loved and significant place to many and it needs your support.
Our aim is
- to promote a sense of community and responsibility for this beautiful ancient building
- to ensure that All Saints' remains a place to be enjoyed by, and at the heart of, the Parish community.
As a friend you will
- be invited to social events arranged for Friends and their guests
- contribute ideas for, and participate in, fund-raising events
- feel part of an All Saints' community, whether you are local or far away
- receive regular updates on any work to which Friends' funds are contributing.
‘If you would like a copy of the Friends’ Update please e mail, [email protected]. ‘
At Cuddesdon we have a beautiful medieval building which is not just for those who worship there but for everybody.
All Saints' points back to a time when churches formed the very bedrock of village life. It is a place full of memories and represents the traditions at the heart of our village and our nation.
But it is also a place for the present and for the future. Our church is not just about nostalgia for a lost world; it also gives us the opportunity to think about what really matters in our village and our wider society. It is what Philip Larkin once called a 'serious house on serious earth'.
All Saints' points us to something greater than ourselves which Christians understand as the God of love. But, whatever our faith, our church bears witness to the values of justice, love and peace, values that need to be cherished and nurtured for future generations.
The Revd Canon Prof. Mark D. Chapman, Vice-Principal, Ripon College Cuddesdon
Click here for our EVENTS PAGE
Becoming a Friend of All Saints' Church is open to everyone and is free of charge. However, donations are gratefully received, either as a single payment or as annual standing orders.
For more inforamtion and to receive a Membership Form, please email: [email protected]
Friends of All Saints Committee is obtaining architects’ estimates, arranging fund raising events (see Events Page) and tracking down the grants necessary to repair and maintain the historic lych gate!
The Friends’ aim is to secure All Saints for the generations to come and the need to fund work on the lychgate certainly fits that criterion. The lack of roof gutters has resulted in years of dripping water damage. Various patch up jobs have taken place, most of which need removing and replacing, and so on!
The story behind the lychgate is fascinating. We are very fortunate, and grateful, to Mark Chapman to lead us through its global story at our first programmed event, on April 26th,
All Saints Lychgate, Past, Present and ?Future
please see our Events Page for details.
The committee is so grateful for donations received and the bank balance began to look encouraging, until we received the first estimate for the lychgate restoration!
As we move forward we anticipate that the connection All Saints' Church has with the College will result in our membership growing both nationally and internationally! Please note, membership is without cost. Growing a caring community is the Friends’ first aim. Ensuring that All Saints' Church, Cuddesdon remains a place to be enjoyed by, and at the heart of, the parish community.