Friends of All Saints Cuddesdon EVENTS

26 April: All Saints’ Church lychgate, Past, Present and ?Future

An entertaining, and surprisingly global, talk by

                                                       The Revd Prof Mark Chapman.

Meet at the Lychgate at 6.15pm when Mark will start his informative  talk before progressing into the church for wine and cheese and more surprising history!

An entertaining, educative and definitely social evening is promised.     £5.00 suggested  


11 May:  Village fete with Friends Stall!

Always a most popular first summer fete of the season and this year with the added attraction of a Friends’ stall! 

Logo-marked paraphernalia, coasters, note pads etc.  all reasonably priced and unmissable reminders of happy days in Cuddesdon!


12 May: Jazz at Cuddesdon

At last, another much anticipated Jazz evening in the

 Cuddesdon And Denton Village Hall

Village Hall Committee and Friends Committee working together to bring a memorable, and much to be enjoyed, jazz evening.

Always a sell out.  Watch out for tickets!


30 June: Cuddesdon Open Gardens.

Collect your map at the lychgate, (£5.00 per person, £10 per family).

Collect the letters as you enjoy the listed gardens, form the word and return to the churchyard for a cream tea and the first back with the correct word, win a prize!