Into the Silent Land

Five day meditation retreat - 15 - 19 September 2025

“We are built for contemplation… Communion with God in the silence of the heart is a God-given capacity, like the rhododendron’s capacity to flower, the fledglings for flight, and the child’s for self-forgetful abandon and joy.”

With these words, Martin Laird begins his classic book Into the Silent Land: The Practice of Contemplation – widely recognised as one of the best introductions to meditation in the Christian tradition written in generations. He brings together an engaging introduction to the Christian contemplative tradition for people inside     or on the margins of the churches who feel drawn to the world of silent prayer.

Martin Laird shows how silence and meditation can offer a remedy to many contemporary dilemmas and emotional struggles. Writing with great clarity, poetic depth and authority, Laird examines central meditative methods and traditions found within contemplative prayer. Exploring the role of breath in the spiritual life and the nature of awareness – so often associated in the minds of many with other spiritual traditions – he shows that this is also an ancient concern of Christian thinkers.

Into the Silent Land offers profound insights for the student of silent prayer but is especially intended for the non-specialist who feels drawn to discover the deep wisdom of the Christian contemplative tradition.

Retreat focus

How do we enter the “Silent Land” of Divine presence?

“By the silence of surrender,” says Laird: “The contemplative discipline of meditation…is not a technique but a surrendering of deeply held resistances that allows the sacred within to gradually reveal itself as a simple, fundamental fact.”  

“The more we realise we are one with God the more we become ourselves, just as we are, just as we were created to be. The Creator is outpouring love, the creation, the love outpoured.”

In this unique experiential retreat, we will explore the essential skills and wisdom of the art of meditation as set out in ‘Into the Silent Land’, including:

  • cultivating gentle concentration (attentiveness) and the opening of awareness
  • the subtle challenges of stilling the mind and the interior skills to meet them
  • how our deepening silence reveals “the overflowing vastness” of our deepest identity in God
  • becoming windows of light and places of peace for the world

The retreat has been carefully crafted to be relevant and accessible to anyone searching for truth and peace, regardless of their faith, beliefs or previous experience of meditation.

Attending a silent retreat

The focus of the retreat is silent meditation practice and we will practice bringing loving-awareness to all our daily activities – while sitting, while walking or eating, when we are simply enjoying a glass of water. We will practice living each moment deeply.

The practice of silence will commence when the retreat begins at 14:00 on the Monday and continue until lunchtime on the Friday. Although the practice of silence may be new to some, most people find this a powerful and wonderful experience. Maintaining a quiet and peaceful environment – walking, moving, and doing things quietly – is important for our practice and a gift we can offer to each other.

The retreat timetable includes periods of private practice time for sitting and walking meditation. Some people find it helpful to bring a craft activity to accompany times of private sitting meditation. 


The retreat will start at 14:00 on the Monday and finish at 15:00 on the Friday, and will involve extended periods of meditation practice and silence. Each full day of the retreat will include:

  • 06:30 Sitting meditation & walking meditation
  • 08:00 Communion (for those who wish to attend)
  • 09:00 Talk and sitting meditation
  • 10:30 Private practice time / one-to-one spiritual counsel meetings
  • 12:30 Sitting meditation
  • 14:00 Private practice time / one-to-one spiritual counsel meetings
  • 19:00 Talk and group conversation

Early morning practice is a wonderful way to greet the day together. While we very much encourage everyone to attend the 06:30am practice session, if this is difficult for you for any reason please don’t worry. It is always enough to do what we can – or what our life allows.

One-to-one spiritual counsel meetings are not counselling or coaching, but provide a dedicated opportunity for someone to explore a question or two about their meditation practice, or how practice relates to what they have heard during a talk or to daily life. Lasting approximately 15 minutes, meetings are deliberately short to provide focus.

Retreat Leader

Chris Whittington is the Founder of The School of Contemplative Life. He was introduced to contemplative practice during several years of formation when he lived at the Benedictine monastery of Prinknash Abbey. Chris’ monastic teachers, including Sylvester Houedard OSB, taught meditation as a universal wisdom found within all the great spiritual traditions, a pathway to peace and solidarity with people of all faiths and none. Following an introduction by the Abbot of the Prinknash community, Chris subsequently studied at the Dalai Lama’s monastery in Dharamshala, India. Chris regularly delivers talks, workshops and retreats and has introduced the practice of meditation in the Christian tradition to thousands of people in the UK and abroad.


Prices include all retreat resources, accommodation and meals. Please click on the links below which will take you to an online booking page:

Retreat and accommodation in an ensuite room (£500)

Retreat and accommodation in a standard room with shared bathroom (£440)

For any queries please call 01865 874404 or email [email protected]