Congregational Music Conference

Tuesday 1st August - Friday 4th August 2023

Congregational music-making has long been a vital and vibrant practice within Christian communities worldwide. Even though congregational music flows along global networks, it reflects, informs, and articulates convictions and concerns that are irreducibly local. Congregational song can unify communities of faith across geographical and cultural boundaries; however, it can also be used to mark divisions between Christians of different denominations, cultural backgrounds, and social classes. We cannot truly understand the meanings, uses, and influences of congregational music within Christianity without exploring both its local contexts and its global circulation. For more information, click here.


We offer a variety of different attendance options to this conference to suit all budgets and interests, more details of these can be found through the links below:


Full Residential Place SOLD OUT 
Non-Residential Place £260
Single-Day Passes £90
Online Passes


Delegates who have been awarded a bursary place should contact the hospitality team via email to arrange their registration.