Ordinary Theology Study Day: The C4th Formation of the Doctrine of the Trinity

Inspiration from the Eastern Fathers and Western Psychology

A series of Study Days running from 10am to 4pm. Tickets from £25 per day to include lunch and refreshments. No previous knowledge of Church history or theology is assumed (although clergy or readers with some background knowledge will still find much of interest).

Saturday 10th February: The Fourth Century Formation of the Doctrine of the Trinity

“Begotten not made, of one being with the Father”… is a crucial but perplexing phrase in the Nicene Creed. What does it mean, why was it so important (and controversial) and how did we end up with the doctrine of the Trinity? The answers are to be found in the heated 4th century debate which we’ll study with the help of some key source texts as well as the output from the Councils of Nicaea (325 AD) and Constantinople (381 AD).

For more information and to book: ordinarytheology.com