The Future of Vocation

A day conference for Diocesan Directors of Ordinands and Vocations Team members

Tuesday, 12 November 2024



[9.30-10.30am Option for DDOs to arrive early to meet with individual students]

10.30amArrival and coffee

Welcome from the Principal and introductions

The Rt Revd Humphrey Southern


Psychology and Vocation: leading to group discussion

Dr Joanna Collicutt, Supernumerary Fellow, Harris Manchester College

12.45pm Lunch with students in the Dining Hall

Panel led Bible study on Romans 12. 1-8 giving spiritual perspectives on vocation, followed by Q&As:              

                        Panel members: 

                        Revd Helen Fraser, Head of Vocations and Deputy Director for Ministry, CofE

                        Revd Sonia Barron, Director of Ordinands and Vocations, Diocese of Lincoln

                        Revd Katherine Price, Vicar and Training Incumbent, Wantage Parish

                        Dr Oliver Keenan, Academic Dean, Ripon College Cuddesdon 

3.00pm Opportunity to tour the College, to meet with the Principal or Admissions Tutor, or to meet with students  

Tea and Book Launch

So Longeth My Soul: A Reader in Christian Spirituality by Joanna Collicutt

 Option to depart or to stay for:
4.30pmCollege Eucharist 

For further information or to reserve a place: [email protected] or 01865 874404     Ripon College Cuddesdon, Oxford OX44 9EX